Mindful Moments with your Canine Companion

Mindful Moments with your Canine Companion

Mindfulness, compassion, connection. Three things I try to focus on during daily meditations.


Meditation is learning to quiet your mind and let go of distracting thoughts. This is not always an easy task, but something I attempt on a fairly regular basis. And, in fact, including your dog in your meditation may well help you eliminate wandering thoughts. Meditating with your hand on your dog, focusing on his breathing, the feel of his/her fur may help ground you and keep you focused. I find that simply having Tatum by my side helps me relax and calm any busyness in my brain. I’ve also noticed the meditation sessions benefit Tatum, as this allows her to slow down her active mind, connect with me and the soothing voices and meditation music. All very healing.

I use an app on my phone to guide me in meditation, but what I’ve found by including Tatum into the ritual is that she is real teacher. Mindfulness, compassion, and connection are three things that can be taught to us by our beloved canines. Whether she’s sitting by my side, curled up in her bed enjoying the scene around her or stuffed animal in her paws, or patiently waiting for me to fill her food bowl with food, Tatum is simply focused on being… and living in the moment. A great lesson for all humans.



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